Matan Freedman

LinkedIn: Matan Freedman
GitHub: MatanFreedman

Matan Freedman

I recently completed my Master's of Applied Science in Environmental Engineering at Queen's University where I applied machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to environmental data sets. I have worked as a Data Scientist, Full Stack Developer, Engineering Consultant, and Researcher.

I'm currently looking for positions where I can leverage my advanced data analysis skills to create actionable business decisions in a variety of industries including technology, finance, insurance, oil and gas, and engineering. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or opportunities.


Master's of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.)

Queen's University, 2021
Environmental Engineering
My research in the environmental engineering department involved applying advanced data analysis (machine learning) to improve the remediation of chemical spills. During my studies I took advanced data analytics courses where I learned Python, machine learning and artificial best practices, and applied these techniques to large data sets.

Trichloroethene (TCE) is a common groundwater contaminant and has been around since the early '50s. Bioremediation is a "new" remediation technology that uses bacteria to degrade the TCE contamination. There are many problems that can occur during bioremediation, and my research aims at simplifying the visualization and analysis.

See a Dash app describing one of my research papers here.

Bachelor's of Applied Science (B.A.Sc)

Queen's University, 2018
Civil Engineering
In undergrad I completed my engineering degree with a focus in environmental engineering. I completed an undergraduate thesis with a focus on stray gas migration in groundwater (i.e., oil and gas research). In the summers I did undergraduate research as well as worked as an Asset Manager at Parks Canada.


Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Python
  • pandas, sklearn, numpy, scipy, keras, xgboost, nltk
  • matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, plotly-dash
  • JavaScript
  • highcharts.js, plotly.js, mapbox.js, leaflet.js, datatables.js
  • Excel (VBA)
  • Software Development

  • Web Scraping (BeautifulSoup4, scrapy, Selenium, requests, PHP)
  • Web Development
  • Python (flask)
  • PHP (CodeIgniter)
  • Statistical Software (Python)
  • Excel (VBA) Toolkit Development
  • Experience

    Rhombus Power, Inc.

    Full Stack Developer
    Jan. '20 - June '20

    Rhombus Power, Inc. is a software company that builds web applications for a variety of clients. At Rhombus I developed full stack web applications for internal use. I developed skills in PHP (CodeIgniter), Apache, JavaScript, AWS (EC2), Git, and Linux. My work focused on data visualization where I used both backend technologies (MySQL, PHP, Linux) and frontend technologies (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) to build dynamic and interactive web applications.

    Examples of my work include data visualization dashboards (highcharts.js, plotly.js, datatable.js), map visualizations (leaflet.js, mapbox.js), and incorporating MFA technologies internally.

    Red Alert Housing, Inc

    Data Scientist
    Jan. '19 - Jan. '20

    Red Alert Housing, Inc. (RAH) is a housing platform for students and landlords to hold each other accountable using a review system. At RAH I was a Data Scientist and Developer. I used Python (scrapy, BeautifulSoup4) to scrape public data and build predictive algorithms for rental prices. I also built the frontend and backend systems to display my work and can be seen here.

    GSI Environmental, Inc.

    Environmental Engineer (Intern)
    Sept. '19 - Dec. '19

    At GSI Environmental, Inc. I worked on a variety of environmental engineering consulting projects. My work included building custom toolkits (Excel, VBA), analyzing sampling data (Python, Excel), and conducting groundwater sampling programs at industrial sites.

    Awards & Recognition

    1st place, Queen’s Data Analytics Conference Case Competition
    1st place, Queen’s Oil & Gas Speaker Series (OGSS) Case Competition
    Arthur B. McDonald Prize for Academic Excellence - $15,000 - Queen’s University
    Queen’s Graduate Award (QGA) - $10,000 - Queen’s University
    Queen’s S.D. Lash Scholarship - $2,500 - Queen’s University
    Dean’s Honours List - Queen’s University
    2016, 2018
    NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) - $4,500
    Queen’s University Excellence Scholarship - $1,500 - Queen’s University